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hisabi comes with many built-in reports(metrics) to generate useful financial data and understand the distribution and trends of expenses vs income.
Any report must be registered in the config file config/hisabi.php
under reports
return [
'reports' => [
new TotalIncome,
new TotalExpenses,
new IncomePerCategory,
new ExpensesPerCategory,
new TotalIncomeTrend,
new TotalExpensesTrend,
new TotalPerCategoryTrend,
new TotalPerBrandTrend,
new TotalPerBrand,
A report simply is a GraphQL query represented as a PHP class. you can find all the reports under namespace App\GraphQL\Queries
Total Income
Total Expenses
Income Per Category
Expenses Per Category
Total Income Trend
Total Expenses Trend
Total Per Category Trend
Total Per Brand Trend
Total Per Brand
To write a custom report, you need to create a class that extends one of the available metrics (you can build a new metric type too):
: displays a single value and, if desired, its change compared to a previous time interval.PartitionMetric
: displays a pie chart of values. For example, a partition metric might display the total amount for each expenses category.TrendMetric
: displays values over time via a line chart<?php
namespace App\GraphQL\Queries;
use App\Models\Transaction;
use App\Domain\Metrics\ValueMetric;
class TotalIncome extends ValueMetric // <-- Required
public function __invoke($_, array $args) // <-- Executed by GraphQL query
$rangeData = app('findRangeByKey', ["key" => $args['range']]);
$query = Transaction::query()->income();
if($rangeData) {
$query->whereBetween('created_at', [$rangeData->start(), $rangeData->end()]);
return ['value' => $query->sum('amount')];
Once you created the report, add the reference to it in the config file:
// config/hisabi.php
return [
'reports' => [
new TotalIncome,
Finally, register the GraphQL query in the graphql/schema.graphql
{info} Note the name of the query is the same as the class name written in camelCase.
type Query {
totalExpenses(range: String!): Json